We are Surveyapp

We're setting the benchmark for a great feedback experience.

You're In Happy Company 😉

We're helping thousands of companies get their customer experience and employee engagement right through our point of experience surveys.

Become a partner/ reseller

We work with Customer Experience, Service Design and Point of Sale technology providers across the globe. Get in touch to see how we can help.

We're G-Cloud Approved

Surveyapp services are UK Government approved through the GCloud 9 framework, enabling public sector departments to purchase our services with ease, speed and confidence.

Made In The Home Of Innovation

We're based in the North East of England - the birthplace of the railway, the incandescent light bulb, the steam turbine engine and the omni present light switch.

Contact Us

Surveyapp - VOC Metrics Limited, Toffee Factory, Lower Steenbergs Yard, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 2DF.

Call us on +44 (0)33 0001 0042.

Email us at hi@surveyapp.io

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Start collecting feedback with smiley surveys on your iPad or Android tablet.